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Q: What trait of an epic hero does Odysseus show when he ties his men to the ram?
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Which trait of an epic hero does Odysseus show when he ties his men to the rams?

How does Odysseus show bravery?

In the epic of the cyclops Odysseus stands up for his men.

Which character trait does Odysseus show in the land of the dead?

The emotion he has is penis fever. He gets really horny and wants men

Which of the following could be considered a primary primary function of an epic?

show the ideals of a culture through the actions of a hero

What characteristics of a hero and a leader does Odysseus show in the episode with the Lotus Eater?

He wanted his men out of there, he cared for them so as a leader he had to get them out from the Lotus!

What are the 7 characteristics of an epic and epic heroes?

An epic is some big event that seems more than an everyday life deal. For Example first day of school, prom, your fist job graduation, moving out of your parents house, getting married, the day a baby is born, ect. It is certain situations that only happen once. Or it could be a story like the Odyssey, written by Homer. It is an epic jounery traveled by the main character Odysseus, trying to find his way home to Ithaca.

What does it mean when a trait is recessive?

The principle of excessiveness is defined as the explanation of why one trait will not show over another. If a trait is recessive it will not show when a dominant trait is present.

What trait that may not show when an animal carries it but which can be passed on to its offspring and perhaps show there is called what kind of trait?

This is called a Recessive trait

How do you show the presence a trait in a pedigree?

You can show the precense og a trait with dark outline in a gene.

How does Odysseus's dog Argo show his loyalty?

by waiting for odysseus and then he dies

Who is Argos and why is he significant in the Oddesey?

Argos is Odysseus' dog. He was a puppy when Odysseus left to fight and Troy. When Odysseus returned to his kingdom disguised as a beggar, he found that his dog was old and really dirty. Odysseus could not show affection to Argos or he would give his disguise away. But once Argos saw Odysseus, he thumped his tail and could barley lift his head because he was so old. He caught sight of Odysseus and painlessly died, for he was finally at peace because he saw his master again. It is a beautiful moment in the epic poem.

A trait which always appears when it is present is called what kind of trait?

It is called a dominant trait