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Holden criticizes Ernie's arrogance and self-importance, describing him as "a phony." Holden believes Ernie puts on airs and acts superior to others, making Holden see him as insincere and pretentious.

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Q: What trait or quality about Ernie does holden criticize?
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A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality. A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality.

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A trait of someone, qualities of a person

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trait, quality, attribute, distinguishing feature

What is the difference between traits and qualities?

A quality is an 'inherent or distinguishing characteristic, a property, or a personal trait'. Quality denotes the character, disposition, or nature of something.A characteristic is 'a feature that helps distinguish a person or thing, a distinguishing mark or trait'. Quality is slightly more inclusive than characteristic.Characteristic's meaning is more about a distinction.

What is physical trait?

1. A distinguishing feature, as of a person's character. See Synonyms at quality. 2. A genetically determined characteristic or condition: a recessive trait. 3. a. A stroke with or as if with a pencil. b. A slight degree or amount, as of a quality; a touch or trace: a sermon with a trait of humor.