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Q: What traits did members of the Donner and Reed families posses?
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Well he was arrogant and was very intelligent. hope this helps.

Are shared derived traits found in members of the in group of a clade?

No, shared derived traits are not found in members of the in group of a clade.

What is a family of traits called?

A distinguishing feature of your families nature

What is the definition of cattle traits?

Cattle traits means, the characteristics that cattle posses. These traits are what cattle are known for or why the produce the way that they do. For example, Texas longhorns are known for their horn size, this is a trait. Holsteins are known for high milk production, this is also a trait.

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What traits must a scientist posses to become successful?

Open minded :)Conscious :))And It can be , Accept new Idea .And Love Ranz Kyle Viniel E.

Why do people from same families look more similar than people from different families?

because their DNA has got similar traits.

What role does the passing down of traits through DNA have on families and the characteristics they share?

The role that the passing down of traits through DNA have on families, and the characteristics they share is physical appearance such as; height, skin color, hair color, and eye color.

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What statement about ancestral traits is true?

They are shared by all members of the group.