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Q: What traits might be passed to offspring if both parents are California quials?
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How big are quials?

quials are about 191 foot

What do quials do?

quials eat crops,insects and are vegetarians

Are quials flightless?

Yes they can fly, but they pefer not to.

What do quial eat?

quials eat crops,insects and are vegetarians

Where do some quials live?

They live in a pile of branches and in fallen trees.

What are the 3 solutions Jesus done in the desert?

1.mana bread 2.quials 3.water from rocks

Can you give me alliteration with q?

Quails quickly quarrel questioning queens quotes quite queens run quickly

How do you take care of Quail?

quails are very easy to look after,they are not fussy eaters as you can have them in a bottem of an avairy and they will eat the seed droped by the other birds,as they are ground birds.Quails like dust or sand baths and spend alot of time playing.There diet is very simple they need water seed and fresh fruit daily.They bond with families well. If you are thinking of getting a smaller quails keep the water dish shallow.Female Quials do lay eggs ramdomly(like chickens but any where)if thinking of breeding you will need to take out the eggs and put them in a incubator.(for more info visit a breeder).for more information ask the person/petshop who you are buying them from.hope this helped-------birdlife--------well i got 4 quails 3 females and 1 male what does it mean when the have sort of bold heads they are really fussy eaters and really tame drink alot and lay alot of eggs and are starting to breed