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4.32 x 10^-19 j

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The transition energy corresponding to an absorption line at 460 nm is approximately 2.7 electron volts. This can be calculated using the formula E = hc/λ, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength in meters.

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Q: What transition energy corresponds to an absorption line at 460 nm?
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What transition energy corresponds to an absorption line at NM?

3.96 10-19 j

What transition energy corresponds to an absorption line at 460nm?

The transition energy corresponding to an absorption line at 460nm is about 2.7 electronvolts (eV). This energy is calculated using Planck's equation, E = hc/λ, where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength in meters.

What is an absorption line?

An absorption line is a line which corresponds to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at a specific wavelength.

What is the second longest wavelength in the absorption spectrum of hydrogen?

The second longest wavelength in the absorption spectrum of hydrogen corresponds to the transition from the n=2 to n=4 energy levels. This transition produces a spectral line known as the H-alpha line, which falls in the red part of the visible spectrum at a wavelength of 656.3 nm.

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5.69 × 1014 Hz

What frequency corresponds to an absorption line at 460?

6.52 1014 Hz

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The corresponding frequency of absorption is 3.440 cm-1 * 2.99792 x 10^10 cm/s = 1.032 x 10^11 Hz. The two energy levels involved in this transition correspond to the rotational energy levels of the NO molecule.

What causes the lines in an atomice spectrum?

The lines in an atomic spectrum are caused by the emission or absorption of photons as electrons move between different energy levels within the atom. Each line corresponds to a specific energy transition, and the distinct set of lines is unique to each element, making them a fingerprint for identifying elements.

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The frequency corresponding to an absorption line at 502nm can be calculated using the formula: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. Therefore, the frequency would be approximately 596.8 THz.

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The shortest wavelength radiation in the Balmer series is the transition from the n=3 energy level to the n=2 energy level, which corresponds to the Balmer alpha line at 656.3 nm in the visible spectrum of hydrogen.

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Absorption of energy at atom energy levels cause the line spectrum.

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3.86 x 10-19 J