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With reference to the wikipedia article on this topic: The Balmer series predicts visible light wavelengths with high accuracy. The limiting transition wavelength predicted by the formula, inf -> 2, would be 364.6 nm.

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434 nm

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Q: What is the wavelength of the hydrogen atom in the 2nd line of the Balmer series?
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Is Balmer series only present in hydrogen atom?

Balmer series just represents the visible radiations region and it is present in the spectra of every element. It is just the case that we study only hydrogen atom.

Can an electron jump from sixth shell to second shell?

yes. in the case of hydrogen atom jumping of an electron from 6th level to 2nd level cause balmer series

What is the line spectrum of the hydrogen atom?

All in nM (nano metre, in vacuo): The Balmer series: (up to 3 eV energy) 397 410 434 486 656

What does a hydrogen atom transitioning from the 2nd to the 1st excited state produce?

A hydrogen atom transitioning from the 2nd to the 1st excited state produces a photon of ultraviolet light. This ultraviolet light has a specific wavelength corresponding to the energy difference between the two states.

What is the formula parallel to rydberg's formula?

The formula parallel to Rydberg's formula used in Bohr's theory of the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom is the Balmer Series. See related link for more information.

What was the effects of Neils Bohr's contribution to the atomic theory?

That led to know about the size of the atom and the reason of getting five different series of spectral lines in case of hydrogen such Lymann, Balmer, Pashcen, Bracket and Pfund.

What is the primary visible color of an emission nebula?

Emission nebulae can emit photons of many wavelengths, but the predominant color is red. They can also emit blue and pink colors (which are also part of the Balmer series of the hydrogen atom).

Why do Lyman transitions produce ultraviolet photons while the Balmer transitions produce visible light photons?

The Lyman series is the group of energies corresponding to the transitionsof an electron between the "ground state" ... the lowest energy level ... andany other energy level that an electron can have in a hydrogen atom.The Balmer series is the group of energies corresponding to the transitionsbetween the second energy level in the hydrogen atom and any other one(except the ground state).But the energy difference between the ground state and the second level inthe hydrogen atom is about four times the difference between the second leveland any higher one, so it's pretty clear that any line in the Lyman series ought tohave substantially more energy than any line in the Balmer series.And that's a fact. The shortest wavelength in the Balmer series is 410 nm ...right there in violet light ... whereas the shortest wavelength in the Lymanseries is 122 nm, almost 2 octaves above the blue end of the visible spectrum,and well into the ultraviolet.Similarly . . .The Paschen series (transitions to/from the 3rd energy level),the Brackett series (transitions to/from the 4th energy level), andthe Pfund series (transitions to/from the 5th energy level)are groups of lines at longer and longer wavelengths, extending through the infraredand down into the short microwave wavelengths.The lowest-frequency/longest-wavelength transition associated with thehydrogen atom is the "flip" transition of the electron from one spin-orientation to the other. That's the so-called "Hydrogen-alpha" line at roughly1420 MHz / 21 cm. Wherever Hydrogen exists, electrons are flipping, andeither absorbing or emitting "H-α" radiation.For receivers capable of tuning 1420 MHz (no problem), the universe is alive with itin every direction. And if you have the opportunity to examine a chart of frequencyallocations, you'll notice that this frequency (and the band about 13 MHz to either side)is allocated for "Astronomy, Space Research, and Earth Exploration Satellites" (lookingaway from space !).

What is the wavelength of n equals 2 to n equals 6 of a hydrogen atom?

410 nanometers is.

What is the longest radiation wavelength that can be used to ionize the ground state hydrogen atom?

91.2 nm

What are the wavelengths of the lines in the hydrogen emission spectrum?

The four spectral lines of the Balmer series that fall in the visible range are: 656.3 nm . . . . red 486.1 nm . . . . cyan 434.1 nm . . . . blue 410.2 nm . . . . violet There are four more lines in the Balmer series ... all in the ultraviolet ... and at least thirty-six observable lines altogether from the hydrogen atom.

How do you calculate the energy of violet light emitted by a hydrogen atom with a wavelength of 410.1nm?
