

What transports nutrients to the cells?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What transports nutrients to the cells?
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Related questions

What transports nutrients to body cells?

The circulating blood

Which human body system transports nutrients to the cells?

The plasma component of the blood, contained within the cardiovascular system, transports hormones and nutrients.

What part of the blood transports nutrients hormones enzymes and waste materials to and from the cells of the body?

The plasma component of the blood, contained within the cardiovascular system, transports hormones and nutrients.

Does the integumentary system transport nutrients to the cells?

No, the circulatory system transports nutrients to cells. The integumentary system protects your body.

Which system is responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells?

The respiratory system, which is made up of the heart, lungs and blood vessels.

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It is the Xylem tissue that transports water and nutrients.

Why is circulatory system known as body's transport system?

The circulatory system not only transports oxygen to and CO2 from cells, but also transports nutrients and hormones around the body.

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What system transports wastes nutrients and gases throughout the body?

The cardiovascular system transports nutrients and wastes.

What is the name of vessel in a plant that transports nutrients and sugars?

The Phloem is the vessel that transports organic nutrients in a plant.

What fluid inside of the human body transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells and carries away from the cell?

Blood it's simple :)