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Q: What travels through space at a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second?
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What travels through space at a speed of 300000 kilometers per second?

Electromagnetic energy

How fast does sound travel from one place to another?

It really depends on what the sound is traveling through. Sound travels faster through hard things, in fact, I hear it travels 22 times faster through brick than through air. If you are talking room temperature at a few thousand feet above sea level it should travel at about 775 miles per hour, (1,240 kilometers per hour.)

How does heat from the sun reach earth?

through radiation

Who is going the fastest a driver who travels 140 kilometers in 2 hours or one who travels 325 kilometers in 5 hours?

A driver who travels 140 kilometres in 2 hours!

Light travels through space at what speed?

186,000 miles per second 292,000 kilometers per second These are approximate numbers.

What is the speed of light in kilometers per second as it travels through a vacuum?

299,792.458 km/s

Can light travel through materials?

Yes, through some materials. It certainly travels through air, and you may have noticed that it travels through water and glass.Yes, through some materials. It certainly travels through air, and you may have noticed that it travels through water and glass.Yes, through some materials. It certainly travels through air, and you may have noticed that it travels through water and glass.Yes, through some materials. It certainly travels through air, and you may have noticed that it travels through water and glass.

Where does sound travels through?

Sound travels through waves.

How fast light travels in kilometers?

Light travels at 299,792.211 km per second in a vacuum.

What travels 108000 kilometers an hour?

Planet Earth

What happens to speed of light when they travel through a vacuum?

In a vacuum, light always travels at the same speed, about 300 000 kilometers per second.

What is the material through which light travels?

what is the material through which light travels