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There are no treatments. Your hair will begin to thicken and will come in places it hasn't been before. You may experience swelling in the vaginal area as this is your body thinking it has testicles. Although your body may become to think it is in fact male in some rare cases.. You have absolutely no chances of getting testicular cancer. THUMBS UP!

Good luck.

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Q: What treatments are they for a woman with to much testosterone?
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What are the effects of exercise on womens testosterone levels?

High testosterone levels in women cause many of the same effects it causes in men. One problem with testosterone levels in women is what is normal in one woman is not in another. Testosterone can be used by women with a low libido, to help get the urge for sex back. But if too much testosterone is taken, a woman will develop facial hair, a deeper voice, more muscle mass and redistribution of fatty pads. Too much testosterone along with high cholesterol will increase the chance of having a heart attack.

Does a hairy body indicate high testosterone?

The presence of testosterone encourages the growth of body hair.

What shares a common hypothalmic releasing factor?

Estrogen and testosterone share a common hypothalamic releasing factor. Estrogen is made in a woman's ovaries, and testosterone in a man's testicles.

Can too much testosterone cause eczema?

Yes It can. It did to me when I was on a special training diet that included Testosterone boosts.

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What is the common name of testosterone?

The abbreviated common name of Dihydrotestosterone is DHT. It is also commonly referred to as Androstanolone or Stanolone. It is commonly used in chemotherapy treatments.

What does it mean when a woman has excessive hair on the face?

When a woman has excessive hair on the face, it usually means that there is a higher than normal amount of testosterone in her blood.

How to increase a woman's testosterone levels?

There are pills or shots but you should always see a doctor for this since there are serious side effects if you take too much and you need to be monitored so they know what is too much for you. It's not the same for everyone..

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The Predominant hormone in males are testosterone

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A man's body generates hormones such as testosterone in greater quantities making men stronger and faster than women. Even though a woman's body does generate testosterone (the main physical hormone) a man's body generates forty to sixty times as much. By Reimond aged 10.

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Decrease testosterone levels and increase the female hormone. I believe getting rid of the main secreter of the testosterone hormone helps in doing this for those who are desparate.

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Too much alcohol and testosterone.