

What tree is softwoods made from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Softwoods are from needle-leaf trees like pines and firs. Hardwoods are from broadleaf trees.

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What is made from softwoods?

Softwood is a type of wood that comes from a certain type of tree. Pine trees for example are soft wood.

What makes hardwoods stronger than softwoods?

fabric that are made of

What is made out of softwoods?

These days almost everything, including houses and furniture.

Why are softwoods called softwoods?

Because it is made from a man-made compound commonly known as "soft", or Do2t, 2 parts downy, 1 part teddy bear.

How can softwoods be coloured?

Softwoods can be coloured by staining.

How many softwoods are there?

there are 2453 types of softwoods lollypop

What can softwoods made out of?

Small things like, candal sticks, holders, ect.

What is Soft wood and how is it made?

Softwood comes from particular types of trees, it is made by nature. Softwoods have a particular cellular structure at the microscopic level. Some Softwoods included in that definition are actually harder (as pertains to working with the wood) than some hardwoods. For example Balsa wood is biologically a hardwood, but it is softer for carving and cutting than is the biological softwood, Douglas Fir. All conifers are softwoods. Conifers include: * Pine * Spruce * Fir * Cedar * Hemlock * Cypress * Yew * Larch

Is an evergreen tree a hardwood or softwood?

Evergreen trees, particularly pines are considered softwoods. Their fast growing rate makes them less dense and 'softer' then deciduous trees.

Where do soft woods grow?

Softwoods is a category of tree that includes trees like pines. They grow everywhere trees grow, they just have different species growing in different areas.

What type of tree is a spruce tree and what type of tree is a maple tree?

A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).