

What tribe did Coronado encounter?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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โˆ™ 7y ago

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The difficulty in making sense of the Coronado expedition is that he had practically no understanding of (or interest in) the native tribes, and his accounts are generally unreliable. Secondly, the tribes of that time (1540 to 1542) were not in the same places they were located in later periods - the Kiowas and Comanche had not yet arrived from further north, for example. Furthermore, different names were used to identify tribal groups than the names commonly used later.

He is said to have had a "Pawnee" guide called "El Turco" in Spanish, but this is extremely unlikely and El Turco was more probably a Caddo (later Spanish writers called the Caddo "Pawnees"). Another guide was a Wichita slave.

In Texas Coronado found the "Teya" tribe warring against the "Querechos"; both of these may have been Apache groups who at that time had no horses, but the Teyas may possibly have been a Caddoan tribe.

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