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Q: What triggers the micturition reflex in the walls of the bladder?
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What is emptying the bladder controlled by?

The micturition reflex tells you when you need to empty your bladder. This happens on average four to eight times a day. The reflex is controlled by your central nervous system. When your bladder is about half full, the stretch receptors in the walls of your bladder become active and send signals along your pelvic nerves to your spinal cord. A reflex signal is sent back to your bladder, which makes the detrusor muscle in the bladder wall contract. The contraction increases the pressure in your bladder, and this is what makes you want to pass urine. Because the external sphincter is under voluntary control, you don't urinate until you decide to relax this muscle. simple answer would be this; Sphincter muscle that surrounds the urethra.

What receptors are stimulated during urination?

Nerve receptors are stimulated during urination. This stimulation occurs when the walls of the bladder contract and the urination reflex is automatically activated.

What is located in posterior and lateral walls of bladder?

Smooth muscles are found IN the walls of the urinary bladder.

What stimulates micturition?

Reflex arc for micturition invovles the sensory input (the afferent neruon) to the spinal cord consisting of the stretch receptors located on the urinary bladder and the efferent neurons consisting of the parasympathetic (usually pelvic splanchincs). The pelvic splanchnic cause the detrusor muscle to contract. The reflex arc also contains an efferent somatic (pudendal nerve) output to the external sphincter which relaxes the external sphinctor and causes the urine to flow through the urethra. Again, this is a VERY broad overall gist of what goes on - there are a LOT of other factors that controls micturition such as the sympathetic control and the central nervous sytem (voluntary control). The reflex arc can be inhibited by a variety of factors and can also be initiated also under the central nervous control- the cortex and the brainstem. hope this helps. It should be noted that the reflex arc is at the S3, S4 and S5 spinal cord level. This is also the level where the pelvic splanchnic nerves come out the ventral primary rami to innervate the bladder.

What is the micturition reflex?

Micturition reflex is the neurological pathways involved in urination. When your bladder fills, the detrusor muscles expand and proprioceptors within the walls of the muscle activate. It sends signals (afferent nerves) that go to your medulla and also to the parasympathetic system in the sacral spinal cord. The signal to the parasympathetic system elicits the response to urinate by relaxing the inner external sphincter and constricting the detrusor muscles. However, first your upper brain is consulted and decides whether it is appropriate to go or not. If your brain allows, it will elicit the response by inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system and inhibiting the somatic nervous system. The somatic nervous system controls the external sphincter and by inhibiting it, you are relaxing it. The external sphincter is much more powerful than the internal sphincter. If your brain says no, it will activate the sympathetic nervous system (which relaxes the muscle walls and constricts inner sphincter) and your somatic control continues to constrict the external sphincter.

What cells are found in the walls of the bladder?

Epithelial cells are the most common cells of the bladder wall.

What forces urine into the bladder with the movement of their muscular walls?

The ureters

What forces urine into the bladder with the movements of their muscular walls?

The ureters

What muscle type has elongated cells and is found in the walls of the urinary bladder?


What is the bladder made of?

It is a hollow organ, the walls of which are made of tissue that is lined with muscle.

How does the mechanoreceptor reflex effect breathing?

The mechanoreceptor reflex is composed of the inflation reflex and the deflation reflex. The inflation reflex limits the duration of inspiration in response to stretching the walls of the lungs. The deflation reflex stimulates inspiration when the lungs are collapsed. Mechanoreceptor reflexes are insignificant during quiet respiration but they are very important during forced respiration. The mechanoreceptor reflex makes sure your brain knows when to stop breathing and start breathing, basically.

What are the three layers to the bladder wall?

three parts are the fundus, body, and the cervix