

What tropical fruit is used for sunscreen and sunburn?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What tropical fruit is used for sunscreen and sunburn?
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How much better is spf100 sunscreen than spf50?

100, because it offers more UV protection.

What type of fruit would be best used for a sunscreen experiment?

hi, fruits that are rich in antioxidants would be great! I've heard about people on farms rubbing oranges on their pigs as sunscreen. (i guess pigs are sensitive to sunburn! =) pomegranate, berries, tomatoes (rich in lycopene), and oranges would all probably be good. the oranges might be irritating. i would try it on a "non-sensitve" are first. (maybe your arm? not your face.) good luck with the experiment!

What does SPF 45 mean?

"The sun protection factor of a sunscreen is a laboratory measure of the effectiveness of sunscreen --- the higher the SPF, the more protection a sunscreen offers against UV-B (the ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn)."

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From my own personal experience, I would recommend Coppertone sport. I have used this brand myself and it is very effective, in protecting you from harmful rays caused by the sun, as well as sunburn.

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The papaya is a tropical fruit native of Central America. In its ripe for, the flesh of this fruit is of a bright orange-pink color. Its small black seeds are edible, although rarely used, the enzyme contained in these seeds, called 'papain' is good for tenderizing meats.

Is it 'a sunburn' or 'sunburn'?

The most common way is 'a sunburn.' I got a sunburn. You will get a sunburn. Without the article is often used in the past tense, 'I got sunburned.'

How do you spell sunscream?

The correct term is "sunscreen" (sunblock, which can prevent screaming from sunburn).The name Sunscream was used for a 2000 jazz single by musician Ken Gioffre.The name Sunscreem was a techno band from Essex, active 1991-2001.

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I used it on bad sunburn and had a severe itchy reaction. I checked epaderm and it says NOT to use on sunburn.

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Skin care for boaters?

My son used other treatment for six months with no results. And he changed to Ultra Organic ArganRain Oil Treatment and within two months his face more clear. You can use it safely, it is totally natural. Sunscreen, sunburn treatment, and skin moisterizer.