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Xylem tube cells: There are also cells called phloem tube cells, which transport water up the plant to the leaves. These two types of tubes are found in the stem and the vains of a plant, in groups called vascular vundles.

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12y ago

Phloem only serves as the passage of the sugar from leaves to the other parts of the plant. The carrier is water. Water dissolves the sugar solutes and brings it to the other parts of the plant.

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the phloem tube inside the plant stem carries sugar, the food that the plant makes for itself, from the chloroplasts in the leaves, where the food is made, to the rest of the plant carrying sugars up and down the phloem tube.

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Phloem tissue

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A vascular tissue called phloem.

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Sieve cells

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Q: What tube carries sugar from the plants leaves to the rest of the plant?
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What structure carries suger from a plants leavesto the rest of the plant?

the phloem tube carries sugar from the plants leaves to the rest of the plant

What structure carries sugar from the plants leaves to the rest of the plant?


What structure carries sugar from plants leaves to the rest of the plant?


What structure carries sugar from a plants leaves to the rest of the plant?


Which structure carries sugar from a plants leaves to the rest of the plant NT?


What tube carries sugar away from the leaves?

The phloem tube carries sugar away from the leaves. It is a specialized tissue in plants responsible for transporting sugars, as well as other organic molecules, from the leaves to other parts of the plant where they are needed for growth and energy.

Carry water to the leaves and carry sugar and oxygen from the leaves to the living parts of the plant that need it?

Xylem carries water from the roots to toward the leaves. Phloem carries sugar and nutrients from the leaves toward the roots. Oxygen is transported by diffusion, NOT by the liquid transport system.

What are the plants with tubes that can move fluid within themselves called?

The vascular tissue.Xylem is the tissue that caries the water from the roots to the leaves.Phloem is the tissue that carries the manufactured sugar from the leaves to where it is needed in the plant.

What are the tubes called that carry water to the leaf in a plant?

The Phloem tissue carries the products of photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant

What do the leaves do?

by absorbs in the sunlight and the nutrients needed for the plant or plants to survive

How do plants transport sugar from the leaves to the rest of the plant?

glucose moves around the plant by special tubes running through the stem and to the leaves

What is a green chemical in leaves of plants that absorbs sunlight in order to make food or sugar for the plant?

The green chemical in leaves that absorbs sunlight is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll plays a key role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose or sugar.