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The mitral or bicuspid valve and the tricuspid valve are the atrioventricular valves that control the flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles. The bicuspid is on the left side of the heart, and the tricuspid on the right.

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Q: What two atrioventricular valves control the flow of the blood?
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What part of the heart act like a dam which control blood flow in the heart?

The atrioventricular (AV) valves.

The atrioventricular valves permit blood flow in how many directions?

in only one direction

What are their functions similar atrioventricular and semilunar valve?

Atrioventricular valves prevent backwards flow of blood inside the heart, i.e. flow from the ventricles back to the atria. Semilunar valves prevent backwards flow of blood into the heart from the aorta (left ventricle) or the pulmonary arteries (right ventricle).

Do the aortic and pulmonary valves control the flow of the blood into the heart?

No, semilunar valves control the flow of blood out of the heart.

What part of the heart acts like doors that control blood flow?

The four valves in the heart are: * the two semi-lunar valves - one at the stem of the aorta, the other is found at the trunk of the pulmonary artery. * The tricuspid valve is on the right-hand side of the heart. * The bicuspid valve is on the left side of the heart.

Do the four valves of the heart ensure one-way blood flow?

When they are working properly, the four valves of the heart ensure one-way blood flow. The atrioventricular valves prevent backflow into the atria, and the semilunar valves prevent backflow into the ventricles.

What areas of the heart does the antrioventricular valve prevent blood flow from?

The atrioventricular valves prevent the backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria. They permit the one-directional flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles.

Do heart valves control the direction of blood flow?

Yes. That is 'the' function of the heart valves or for that matter valves.

Do the flaps of the aortic valve close when the ventricles squeeze so blood can't flow back into the atrium?

No. When the flaps of the aortic valve close, they prevent the flow of blood into the ventricle. The flaps of the atrioventricular valves close to prevent the flow of blood back into the atria.

What four doors control direction of blood flow through?


Which cardiac structure control blood flow to the heart?

The semilunar valves control the flow of blood from the heart. The aortic semilunar valve controls the flow of blood from the left ventricle to the aorta, and the pulmonary semilunar valve controls the flow of blood from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery.Pulmonary valve

Why do we have valves in our hearts?

We have valves in our hearts to prevent backflow of blood during contraction. This control of flow increases the efficiency of the heart.