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Q: What two beliefs migh a person hold that couold lead to martyrdom?
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What two beliefs might a person hold that could lead to martyrdom?

some one has vocab class lol

What is a resolute person?

Someone who, without fail, will always hold onto their beliefs.

If i agree with some but not all of Hitler's beliefs am i a nazi?

No. Probably a Fascists if you hold to his Political beliefs. If you hold to his beliefs about a supreme race then you are probably a skin head.

When a person both believes and feel that his or her own racial group is superior to another racial group?

That is called racism. A person usually has racist beliefs because they have something missing within their own self esteem. Sometimes racist beliefs are the result of ignorance or willful ignorance with a personal motive to promote these beliefs. Because racism is unsupported by reality, a reasonable person doesn't hold such beliefs.

What are the beliefs that man has?

Beliefs are what people hold as personal truths. It does not necessarily have to be proven for someone to hold it as a belief. Some people's beliefs change throughout their life depending on their experiences.

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What are the duties of a agnostic?

There aren't any specific duties of an agnostic. It's kind of like asking what the duties of a left-handed person are. Certainly many agnostics have beliefs that they hold impose duties on them. But they aren't specifically agnostic beliefs.

What are three beliefs that Quakers have?

It is not a requirement that a Quaker hold or not hold any particular belief.

What is the name of the other first amendment clause that protects your right to hold and exercise your religious beliefs as well as your right to hold no religious beliefs?

Free exercise clause

What does it mean if a guy calls you tenacious?

You will hold steadfast to your beliefs and will be very tough to dissuade of those beliefs.

What was the issues of the scopes trial?

the right to hold fundamentaslist beliefs

What is Theodore's beliefs?

Can you please provide more information about Theodore, as there are many individuals with that name and various beliefs they may hold?