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They have vascular tissue and use seeds to reproduce. In addition, they all have body plans that include leaves, stems, and roots. Most seed plants live on land. Seed plants face many challenges, including standing upright and supplying all their cells with water and food. They meet these two challenges with vascular tissue. The thick walls of the cells in the vascular tissue help support the plants. In addition, water, food, and nutrients are transported throughout the plants in vascular tissue.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Two characteristics that all plants have in common are that they are all autotrophs and that they all use photosynthesis. They also all are multicellular.

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13y ago

All plants have Chlorophyll and they all do photosynthesis

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1. Photosynthesis

2. Reproduction

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Q: What two characteristics do all seed plants share?
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What are some characteristics that all plants share?

All plants are Autotrophs and are Multicellular.

What are all the characteristics of seeded plants?

Two characteristics of all seed plants are that they use seeds to reproduce, and that they have vascular tissue. HoshiRakuen

What 4 characteristics do all plants share?

All seed plants have vascular tissue and seeds to reproduce. In addition they all have body plans that includes leaves, stems, and roots.

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being a prokaryote

What are the 2 characteristics that all plants share?

Characteristics shared by all plants are cell walls, cuticles, and the fact that they reproduce with spores and sex cells.

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What characteristics enable seed plants to live in a variety of environments.?

i think that enable seed plants to live in a wide variety of environment. because all plants need water so that they can live

What characteristics enable seed plants to live in a wide variety of environment?

Seed plants are well-adapted to diverse environments due to their ability to produce seeds that are resistant to harsh conditions, their efficient vascular system that helps with water and nutrient transport, and their specialized structures like roots, stems, and leaves that enable them to efficiently harvest sunlight and nutrients. Additionally, the evolution of various reproductive strategies, such as wind or animal pollination, has further enhanced the ability of seed plants to colonize a wide range of habitats.

What characteristics to plants share?

Plants provide shade, shelter, food and Oxygen to all animals and make the planet Earth lifeworthy.

What characteristics do all plants share-?

They all produce their own food, contain many cells and, all of the cells are surrounded by a cell wall.

What characteristics do all gymanosperms share?

Gymnosperms is Greek for naked seed. This means that the seeds have no protection around them. For example, a conifer's cone is encased, therefore it is not a gymnosperm.

Do all plants have a seed coat?

Only seeds have seed coats not plants. Not all seeds have seed coats.