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You need warmth and moisture. When starting seeds have the soil warm and apply a little water. Cover container with a baggie or plastic wrap and set in a sunny window. Remove plastic once seeds sprout.

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3mo ago

Seeds need favorable environmental conditions, such as moisture, warmth, and oxygen to germinate. They also require suitable internal conditions, like intact seed coats and viable embryos, for successful germination.

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Q: What two conditions need for the seed to gerginate?
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Two characteristics of a seed that help an embryo survive harsh conditions are dormancy, where the embryo remains inactive until conditions are favorable for germination, and a protective seed coat that shields the embryo from extreme temperatures, drought, and predators.

What two characteristics of a seed help an embryo survive harsh conditions?

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To make a seed, you need pollen (male reproductive cells) and an ovule (female reproductive cells). Pollen carries the male genetic material to the ovule for fertilization, resulting in the formation of a seed.

What two things does a seed need to have with it in the ground to be able to grow?

Just water, actually... the seed itself already has nutrients that will last for about a week. THEN it will need nutrients, water, and soil (or rocks, or some other stabilizer for the root system).

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Fruits can have two seeds due to genetic variation, environmental conditions, or the way the fruit is pollinated. This variability is natural and can result in different seed numbers in the same type of fruit.

Which two conditions need to be present for rusting to take place?

Air and water.

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