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Q: What two digestive organs are in the middle of the anemone for cnidarians?
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Are organs present in cnidarians?


What are the few organs that Cnidarians have?

Cnidarians have a mouth/anus, tentacles, stomach cavity, and skin.

Line digestive organs and blood vessels?

line digestive organs and blood vessels

What are the different organs in the digestive system and their functions?

Organs of digestive system:MouthEsophagusStomachsmall intestinelarge intestineRectumAnus

What are digestive organs working together called?

Digestive organs working together is called the digestive system.

What organs are involved with the excretory system in phylum cnidarian?

cnidarians do not have excretory organs .mouth is only excretory organ to them

What is the function of organs of the digestive system?

the function of organs in the digestive system is to break down food

What is the function of the organs in the digestive system?

the function of organs in the digestive system is to break down food

What organs contributes to the digestive stage?

the digestive system

How is the stomach different from other digestive organs?

The stomach is different from other organs of the digestive system because it has three layers of muscle in the muscular is externa. These are the inner oblique layer, the middle circular layer and the outer longitudinal layer.

What would happen if one of the organs in the digestive system?

If one of the organs in the digestive system, then.

What are the main characteristics of sponges cnidarians and worms?

Sponges are invertebrate animals that usually have no body symmetry and never have tissues or organs. Cnidarians use stinging cells to capture food and defend themselves. Flatworms are flat and as soft as jelly. Unlike cnidarians or flatworms, roundworms have a digestive system that is like a tube, open at both ends. Earthworms and other segmented worms have bodies made up of many linked sections called segments.