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The fundamental acid-base reaction results in the formation of a salt and of water. When the base sodium hydroxide, NaOH, is combined with hydrochloric acid, HCL, the results are sodium chloride NaCl (table salt), and water (HOH or H2O).

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16y ago
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1w ago

You should combine a metal element (that forms positive ions) with a nonmetal element (that forms negative ions) to form an ionic compound. The metal atom loses electrons to form a positively charged cation, while the nonmetal atom gains electrons to form a negatively charged anion.

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13y ago

There are a number of elements we can combine to form a compound with ionic bonds.

The compound with the strongest ionic bond is francium fluoride, which has FrF as its molecular formula. One francium atom is ionically bonded to one atom of fluorine. But in general, any element from Group 1 in the Periodic Table, the Alkali Metals, and any element from Group 17, the halogens, will form very strong ionic bonds. The ratio of the elements in these compounds is one to one.

We can also form ionic bonds (though they won't be quite as strong) by combining any element from Group 2 in the table, the Alkaline Metals, with those halogens. The ratio of the elements in these compounds will be one to two, metal to halogen, and they will form ionic bonds. Calcium chloride, CaCl2, is just one example of this arrangement. You already know that one atom of calcium is ionically bonded to two atoms of chlorine.

There are other ionic bonds that can be formed, but these are the "main" ones, and this is a good place to begin to study chemical bonding. You'll learn how atoms hook up, and also begin to see the relationship of the arrangement of the atoms in the periodic table to "predictability" and what kind of bonding you can expect between two elements by comparing their placement on the periodic table.

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11y ago

Technically, a salt is just another name for an ionic compound. Salt could mean KCl, CaCl2... etc.

If you meant table salt, however, then its chemical formula is NaCl, or sodium chloride.

This is a result of sodium's ionic charge being +1, and chlorine's being -1.

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13y ago

salt's scientific name is 'Sodium Chloride'. to make table salt, you combine the two extremely reactive chemicals, sodium and chlorine, to get 'Sodium Chloride'. Have fun

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Q: What two elements should you combine to form an ionic compound?
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Two elements from different groups on the periodic table typically form an ionic compound. One element usually donates electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration (cation), while the other element accepts the donated electrons to also attain stability (anion). This transfer of electrons creates an electrostatic attraction between the two ions, forming the ionic bond in the compound.

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The ending of an ionic compound consisting of two elements typically ends in "-ide." For example, when sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) combine to form an ionic compound, it is called sodium chloride.

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