

What two energy-rich compounds make up fossil fuels?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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coal and natural gas

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Q: What two energy-rich compounds make up fossil fuels?
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What compounds burns and make power?

Generally all organic compounds containing carbon (including of course the fossil fuels).

How do fossil fuels make elecricity?

They are burned

Can you make electricity from fossil fuels?


How do you rewrite this sentence to make it correct Fossil fuels are made from the fossils of dinosaurs?

Fossil fuels are not made from the fossils of dinosaurs.

What is one way in which fossil fuels and wind power are different?

Wind does not take millions of years to make where as fossil fuels do.

How can you make more fossil fuels?

We can NOT make more fossil fuels, because it is (nearly) impossible to make up something that takes millions of years to have the process accomplished, or achieved.

How do you make electrical current?

burn fossil fuels or turbines or hydro or wind

How do fossil fuels make electicity?

the burning of fossil fuels creates thermal energy, which in this case is on the from of steam, which then in turn rotates a turbine

How long does it take for the earth to make fossil fuels in years at a time?

It takes millions of years for fossil fuels to be naturally formed.

How does how fossil fuels produce electricity or fuel?

Fossil fuels produce electricity when they are burned to make steam or smoke which turns generators to make electricity. But we must be careful that we are not burning too much fossil fuels so that we will run out one day. :)

How can you make money from fossil fuels?

extract oil

What materials make fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. As these plants, animals, and other organismsdied, their remains piled up. Over time, heat and pressure changed the material into other substances, including coal, oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are also made of hydrocarbons=energy-rich chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms.