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Q: What two factors determine the density of water in deep currents?
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Density currents circulate water because of density defferences.

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Size, shape, density, density of the water, and the velocity of the water

What is a density currents?

Currents in the coastal water masses

What are two factors that determine ocean water density?

There are two main factors that make ocean water more or less dense the temperature of the water and the salinityof the water.

What are the two factors that determine the density of water?

The answer to determine density is dividing mass by the volume. To find volume measure the area. Density = mass / volume same formula is used to determine the density of water mass as well. after calculations we come to know that density of water is 1000 kgm-3. kgm-3 ( kilogram mass raise to the power minus 3 ) is the unit of density . Density of water is a constant quantity.

What are two main factors that determine the climate of a region?

The jet stream, bodies of water, location on earth, and water currents

What are two factors that determine the density of a water mass?

The answer to determine density is dividing mass by the volume. To find volume measure the area. Density = mass / volume same formula is used to determine the density of water mass as well. after calculations we come to know that density of water is 1000 kgm-3. kgm-3 ( kilogram mass raise to the power minus 3 ) is the unit of density . Density of water is a constant quantity.

What are deep currents caused by?

water density

What factors include the direction of ocean currents?

The factors that can modify the currents are direction and shape of coastlines, bottom reliefs of the ocean basins, seasonal variations and rotation of the earth. Ocean circulation is driven by winds and by differences in water density

What are deep-water currents caused by cold water sinking and pushing up warmer water?

density currents.

What is the role of density in turbidity currents?

Density's role is to push the cloudy turbid water under the less dense surrounding water to start the turbidity currents

What causes density currents?

Currents in the coastal water masses