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What factors finally pushed the england across the atlantic?

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Q: What two factors pushed eurpeans across the Atlantic ocean?
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what best explains why a box pushed across the floor will slow down?

Friction with the material it is pushed across and the gravitational pull of the earth are two factors that can cause the box to slow down. ================================== Gravity does not directly cause the box to slow down, but gravity is indirectly responsible for the existence of the friction force which does.

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They were pushed by war and cultural divides (communism).

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Push factors for Germans in the 19th and 20th centuries included economic hardship, political persecution, and military conscription. Pull factors included the promise of job opportunities, political freedom, and better living conditions in countries like the United States and Australia.

Which best explains why a box pushed across the floor will slow down?


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because world war 1

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The allies pushed the German armies back from the 'Atlantic Wall' and advanced into France

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kinetic friction

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farther. the mid Atlantic ridge is a DIVERGENT BOUNDARY it's getting pushed in opposite directions

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Field Marshall Erwin Rommel

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For immigrants some factors pushed them from their country while other factors pulled them toward America.

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Germany pushed the British to the beaches at Dunkirk. In one of the greatest escapes of all time was the evacuation of thousands of British troops across the straights. In addition to the Royal Navy, any British citizen with a boat rushed across the straights to retrieve troops.