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Q: What two features do otters have to survive well in water?
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Where did sea otters get the name?

Well, they are otter's and they live in the sea or water.

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yes, they can survive in fresh water as well as saline water

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external body features help organisms survive by providing protection from other animals, and for a sort of armor material, as well as a possible mating insignia

What are two mammals that can swim under water?

Otters and polar bears are two mammals that swim extremely well underwater.

What animals can survive in lack of water and how?

Well, no animal can survive without water, but camels can go awhile without water. That's why they are mainly used in the desert.

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well technically they can't survive without water but CSIRO is developing a liquid that will survive in a drought

What is sea otters?

Sea otters have several adaptations designed for life in the water. They have watertight fur for insulation, they have webbed feet for swimming, as well as nostrils and ears that can close to keep water out. They also have a short, thick, and slightly flat tail. Besides aquatic adaptations, sea otters are very intelligent and one of the select group of animals known to use tools (sea otters usually have a favorite rock that they use to crack seashells).

Are otters gay?

Homosexuality has been observed in many species and undoubtedly exists in otters as well, although most otters, like most people, are heterosexual.

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How are sea anemones adapted to the water?

They are so well adapted to the water that they can't survive without it.

Can otters swim?

Yes. Remarkably well, actually.

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well, think about it.... they cant survive wthout water, and if they could, how would they move.....