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Q: What two forces determine if a universe will expand or not expand?
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two, gravity and the gut

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The idea that the universe is held in balance by two equal but opposite forces.

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The Ying and Yang.

What are the two fundemental forces and how do they have an impact on the universe?

Two ??? Try 4: gravity, electro-magnitism, the strong force, and the weak force.

What effect does gravity have on objects?

Gravity causes forces that attract every two objects in the universe toward each other.

What two forces govern the movement of the planets and all other bodies in the universe?

Electricity, magnetism.

Does the universe expand because the galaxy move away form each other?

I don't think it is BECAUSE of this, but the two are certainly related. the universe is expamding because the big bang was sooooo powerful it is still happening today

What two forces keep the universe moving and attracts objects toward each other?

Looking at the Macro Level Universe (large objects): 1. Gravity 2. Magnetism and in that order of effectiveness.

What are the two primary forces believed the universe was divided into in early Chinese culture?

Yellow and orange Actually I really don't know

Is gravity present at moon?

Gravity causes forces that attract every two specks of mass in the universe toward each other. It happens everywhere.