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Triceps and Biceps

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Q: What two forearm muscles are powerful extensors and abductors?
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Related questions

What are the basic crutch muscles?

shoulder depressors, extensors, adductors and abductors. elbow extensors, wrist extensors and finger flexors.

What are the muscles in the hand and forearm called?

The two major groups are flexors and extensors.

What muscle is contracted to flex your forearm?

There are about 20 muscles in a forearm, consisting of flexors and extensors. Flexors are responsible for flexing the forearm, wrist, and fingers.

What muscles are attached to the ulna bone?

The thumb extensors are examples of muscles that attach to the ulna bone. The ulna bone is one of the two long bones in the forearm and can also be called the elbow bone.

Are muscles that bend a joint called extensors?

Muscles that bend a joint are flexors; musces that straighten a joint are extensors.

What are the neck extensors?

trapezius, splenius muscles, and semispinalis muscles

What are the differences between flexors and extensors?

There are flexors and extensors in the forearm and they control the movements of the hand and wrist. If you hold your hand out (with the palm down), the flexors allow your hand to bend downward. The extensors allow your hand to bend upward.

What is the antagonist in shoulder extension?

The adductor longus is a prime adductor and medial rotator of the femur. It is also an assistant mover for flexion at the hip. Therefore the antagonist muscles are the abductors (apposing adduction), the lateral rotators (apposing medial rotation) and the extensors (apposing flexion). Primary Abductors: Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus Assistant Abductors: Tensor Fasciae Latter, Sartorius Primary Lateral Rotators: Glutteus Maximus, Deep Later Rotator group Assistant Lateral Rotators: Sartorius, Iliopsoas Primary Extensors: Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus Assistant Extensors: Adductor Magnus (upper fibres)

What muscles are used in forearm flexion?

Biceps Brachii is a powerful supinator of the forearm, the Supinator muscle also completes supination of the forearm particularly when the forearm is supinating in a slow and unopposed manor or if the forearm is extended.

What nerves control the extensors muscles?

The Radial Nerve.

What muscles serve as the main abductors of the upper arm?


What do skeletal muscles always work in?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs: flexors and extensors