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stabilizing power source and providing temporary power source in case of power outage to allow equipment to run uninterrupted through such power outage

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Q: What two functions does a UPS provide that a protector does not?
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What two functions does a ups provide that a surge protector does not?

A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) supplies a certain amount of power for a certain amount of time if the main electrical power is out. A surge protector does not. A UPS also serves to "even out" fluctuations in voltage, which are fairly common - most S/Ps do not do this. A S/P is there to protect against voltage SPIKES that might cause an overload, but they don't do a thing if the power goes out.

What two functions does a UPs provide that a surge does not?

A UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) supplies a certain amount of power for a certain amount of time if the main electrical power is out. A surge protector does not. A UPS also serves to "even out" fluctuations in voltage, which are fairly common - most S/Ps do not do this. A S/P is there to protect against voltage SPIKES that might cause an overload, but they don't do a thing if the power goes out.

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Two functions are to help aid in flight (only for flight feathers) and to provide an insulation for the bird against the hot and cold weather.

Two devices that can be used to protect computer from fluctuations in electricity?

You need a good power surge strip or a UPS. Make sure the computer plugs into the surge strip or the UPS, and then plug the strip or UPS into the wall. Some good UPS devices actually do power conditioning which is better, but more expensive.

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Two functions of carbohydrates are to provide energy for muscles and fuel for the central nervous system.

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The two functions of the eyepiece is to: 1. Provide a stable platform, so that the eye can more easily stay focused on the object. 2. Exclude external light sources.

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The two functions of the eyepiece is to: 1. Provide a stable platform, so that the eye can more easily stay focused on the object. 2. Exclude external light sources.

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How do you determine Uninterrupted Power Supply size?

The load size in watts is what determines the size of UPS needed. Add up all of the load wattages that you would like to have an uninterrupted power supply. Some UPS units are rated in VA output, for the purposes of this calculation VA is the same as watts. There are many UPS calculators on line if you need any help deciding what to connect to it. Remember the larger the UPS the more the cost is going to be. Read the discuss page for calculator.

What is the two forms of circuit protector?

Fuse and circuit breaker