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Security, stability, freedom of religion, self local government, economic improvement.

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Q: What two good things about life under the Persian Empire?
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What were good things to the success of the Persian Empire?

It sought to provide a stable and peaceful environment, improve living standards and defence from invaders.

What did the Persian develope that stretched across the entire empire?

Good government.

What good road and way stations were the key elements of the Persian Empire?

The Royal Road.

What empire did Alexander push back and ultimately destroy?

He took over the Persian Empire. He didn't destroy it as he wanted it in good condition for himself.

What attributes of the Persian Empire mirror modern states?

The past does not mirror the future, so modern states can mirror the Persian Empire, not the other way round. Responsible modern states try to achieve good government, security and prosperity for their peoples. This is what the Persian empire tried to do, setting a good example for the present. However, like the present states and their wars and failings, the Persian Empire had limited success, and its prosperity attracted the covetous eyes of the Macedonians. Phillip II planned to take it over, and prepared and an invasion. His son Alexander took over the project after Phillip was assassinated, and destroyed the Empire before he himself died/was killed, and the Empire was split up amongst his generals.

What was so bad in the Persian Empire?

The wars and killing to establish the Empire wasn't too good. However when it was established, the Persian Empire tried to promote peace and prosperity. That's where the Greeks came to the fore and promoted disruption leading to fifty years of war between Persia and the Greek city-states.

What are the four major attributes of the Persian Empire?

Attempts to provide: internal and external security; good governance; prosperity; fair taxes.

What are 2 things that are good from the empire of china?

this saysnothing his it helping

What attractions does the Persian Empire have?

As in today's society, it is always attractive to have good governemnt, internal and external security, a degree of prosperity and moderate taxes.

What was crucial to maintaining the Persian empire?

Maintaining good and fair government, providing internal and external security, and maintaining prosperity and taxing fairly.

What statement about the Persian Empire is true?

After it was established, it attempted to bring peace, prosperity and good government to its inhabitants and provide internal and external security.

What religion was practiced in the Persian Empire?

Zoroastrianism was the dominant religion practiced in the Persian Empire. It was founded by the prophet Zoroaster and emphasized concepts of duality between good and evil, free will, and the worship of one supreme deity, Ahura Mazda.