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Wave speed(m/s)= Frequency(Hz) x Wavelength(m)

W.S= Fr X Wl

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Q: What two measurements of a wave you need to calculate its speed?
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How to calculate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave you need to know the speed of the wave and its?

You need to know it speed, wavelenght and its frequency.

How do you calculate the frequency of a wave?

Divided the wave's speed by its wavelength.

How wavelength and wave period can be used to calculate wave speed?

Just divide the wavelength by the wave period, and you've got the wave speed.

How do you calculate wave speed given the wavelength and the depth?

Wave speed = (wavelength) x (frequency) "Depth" (?) is not involved.

Amplitude is the speed of the wave?

No. Aplitude is the height of the wave. Frequency and wavelength can be used to calculate the speed of the wave by multiplying them together (if the units are appropriate).

How do you calculate frequency wavelength or wave speed?

you divide!

What will be the speed when amplitude and frequency is given?

In order to calculate the speed of a wave, you need to know the frequency and wavelength. Amplitude has no effect on the speed, so knowing the amplitude doesn't help.

How do you calculate the wavelength?

Wavelength = (wave speed) divided by (frequency)

How do you calculate the speed of a wave?

you find out a waves speed by taking the wavelength and divide it by it's wave period or how long it takes for the wave to complete a full wavelength. This is what my textbook said. Speed=Wavelength ×Frequency

How do you calculate the wavelength of frequency?

Wavelength = (speed of the wave) divided by (frequency)

What do you need to figure out wave speed?

Wave energy and time

Calculate the wave speed for a wave with a wavelength of 2 m and a frequency of 0.3 Hz?
