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Q: What two motions combine to producean orbit?
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What two motions combine in order to cause orbiting?

I'm pretty sure that gravity and inertia cause something to orbit around another object.

Which two factors did Newton concluded combine keeping earth in orbit?

Gravity and Inertia.

What are the earths two principal motions?

Rotation- the spinning of earth about its axis Revolution- movement of earth in its orbit around the sun :)

What two motions keep an object in orbit?

An orbit is made possible by an equilibrium, or balance, of forces. Typically, this involves two forces: one of gravitational attraction between the objects and another caused by centripetal acceleration. At a given radius of orbit, a velocity can be found such that these two forces are equal, keeping the object in orbit.

What two types of motions keep a satallite in orbit around earth?

A tangential velocity vector relative to the orbit itself, and acceleration towards the center of the planet due to gravity.

What two motions combined make the moon orbit Earth?

Velocity and gravity (movement around the Earth and the gravity of the Earth pulling on it).

Which two forces of a result is the orbit of the planet?

Gravity, which pulls an object inward, and inertia, which resists gravity. They combine to form a more-or-less circular orbit.

What two motions does the earth make in the space?

The Earth is in orbit round the Sun, but also the Sun is moving round the centre of our galaxy, and of course we follow along.

Which two motions does earth in space?

The two motions that Earth makes are rotations and revolutions.

What are the 2 motions of earth?

The two motions of Earth are ;- Daily (24 hours) axial rotation. Annual (1 year) orbital (revolution) about the Sun. NB There are several other known movements of the Earth. they are ;- The angle of the Earth's axis varies between 28 degrees to 21 degrees. Currently at 23 degrees. The Earth's orbit about the Sun is an ellipsoid, that is an ellips that doesn't quite close up with each orbit, but slightly overlaps. This elliptical movement varies between nearly circular to a narrow ellipse. The Earth speeds up an slows down through space, because the Sun lies at one of the foci of the ellipse , NOT the centre. As a consequence, when nearer the Sun we moive faster, and when further away we move slower. Because of the Moon , the Earth 'wobbles' in and out of its orbital track. Summing , we can say that the Earth 'dances' through space, with the Sun and Moon as partners.

What is caused by the combination of the light from the sun and the moon's orbit around earth?

Those two things do not really combine so the answer is nothing causes it.

Is motions one syllable?

No, it is two.