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Q: What two muscles are antagonists to themselves with flexion and extension?
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What are the antagonist muscle used in knee extension?

The antagonists would be those muscles that cause knee flexion. Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendonosis) are the primary knee flexors, and would thus be antagonists to knee extension.

What kind of muscle not responsible for flexion or extension of the arm?

Which of these muscles is not responsible for flexion or extension of the arm?

Do all quadriceps muscles act in hip flexion and knee extension?

yesabduct the thigh

What is the relationship between a contraction and an extension when dealing with musclular system?

When a muscle contracts it causes flexion and when muscles relax they cause extension

What is the antagonist muscle in the flexion of the knee?

All muscles that are agonists or synergists in knee extention, are antagonists in knee flexion.

Prime mover for shoulder flexion and adduction?

Do you mean flexion and (abd)uction?? If so, the prime mover would be the deltoid muscle with many smaller muscles assisting. If you are in fact meaning flexion and adduction, the prime mover would be the pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi with many smaller muscles assisting.

What is the function for the Gastonemius muscles?

plantar flexion and knee flexion

How many muscles make up the hamstring?

There are three main muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh. They are the biceps Femoris , the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. Together, they cause flexion of the knee and extension of the hip

What does nerve entrapment exacerbrated by lumbar extension hip extension and lateral flexion of the lumbar spine mean?

This means that when your muscles stretch certain ways that the nerves are being pressed against and can't move causing severe pain down the lining of the muscles being used. Flexion is used when the toes are pointed causing the muscles in the back of the leg to pull, and extension is when you extend a muscle past its normal resting point. These stretches cause many painful issues for people diagnosed with disorders such as sciatica.

Is the quadriseps an extensor and a flexor muscle?

The quadriceps perform knee extension, however, the rectus femoris, which is one of the 4 muscles of the quadriceps, also does hip flexion.

What muscle agonists antagonists and assisters are involved in shoulder extension and flexion?

The muscles located in the shoulder and move the arm are: the deltoid, teres major, and rotator cuff muscles. The deltoid muscle is like three muscles in one: the anterior fibers flex the shoulder, the lateral fibers abduct the arm, and the posterior fibers extend the shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are the supraspinatus , infraspinatus , teres minor, and subscapularis . They can be remembered with the mnemonic SITS. The primary function of the rotator cuff muscles is holding the head of the humerus in the glenoid cavity. They act more to assist the other muscles.

What are the major muscles of the muscular system?

Femour muscle,calf mucle,=====================================================The major muscles of the body would be:A) Anterior Upper Body:Pectoralis Major (involved with shoulder horizontal adduction and internal rotation)Deltoid Anterior, Middle and Posterior Fibers (shoulder flexion, abduction , horizontal abduction respectively)Rectus Abdominal (abs) (Flexion of the trunk)Oblique Muscles (lateral rotation of the trunk and pelvis)B) Posterior Upper Body:Latismuss Dorsi (shoulder extension and external rotation)Trapezius (Upper fibers raises the scapula upwards also involves with movement of the neck, while middle and lower fibers retract it)C) Arms:Biceps brachii (forearm flexion and supination, aids in shoulder flexion thru long head)Triceps brachii (elbow extension)Wrist Flexors and extensorsD) Pelvis and Hips:Glutues Maximus ( Hip Extension)Iliopsoas (Hip Flexion)Tensor Fascia lata , Glutues Medius and Minus (Hip Abduction, Stabilize body during walking)Hip AdductorsRectus femoris and Quadriceps (Knee Extension, Rectus Femoris aids in Hip Flexion)Hamstrings (Knee Flexion, Biceps Femoris aids in Hip Extension)Calf Muscles (mainly Gastrocnemius involved in ankle planter flexion)although there are many other skeletal muscles with major functions (e.g Rotator cuff: stabilize shoulder joint , and Anconeus which stabilize elbow joint.. and many more) these ones above are considered the major muscles of the body by many