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the poopets and the troopets

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Q: What two muscles keep the work in opposite ways to make the arm move?
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How do muscles relax?

Yes, Muscles relax whenever you relax without moving, your muscles make you move, and bones keep your shape!

Which two muscle work in opposite way to make the arm move?

forearm and upper arm muscles.

What are the muscles that make your body move?

The skeletal muscles

Why atleast two muscles needed to move any joint in the body......?

Two muscles are not needed to move a joint but a bone attached to a joint in 2 opposite directions .

How do bones and muscles work together to move the body?

Well bones keep you from becoming very flexible. Without bones, you wouldn't be able to stand up or anything. Muscles make you move by expanding and contracting so you need both bones and muscles to live.

How does energy make things move?

Energy make things move by empowering the muscles. The muscles will then coordinate and facilitate the movement of joints and other organs.

What are volontary muscles for?

Voluntary muscles are the muscles that we control to make it move unlike involuntary muscle, they control thereselves we can't control them.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):((((((((Voluntary muscles are the muscles that we control to make it move unlike involuntary muscle, they control thereselves we can't control them.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):((((((((

What do the skeletal muscles allow us to do?

It helps move you. Your bones make up your structure. These muscles allow your body to move.

What do motor neurones do?

Motor neurons are a part of the nervous system that make muscles move.

What is skeletomusclar?

Muscles that cause your joints to move or hold still, keep your body erect, etc. as opposed the the kind that make your heart work or move stuff around in your digestive system.

What is a description of the function of muscles?

the muscles make each movable bone move in you body

What does the muscles do for the body?

They make it move and keeps it alive.