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Q: What two necessities were used by builders to construct the pyramids?
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The blocks that were used to construct the pyramids were made of?

The blocks used to construct the pyramids were made of limestone and granite. These blocks were quarried and transported to the construction site where they were carefully stacked to form the pyramids.

How many limestone blocks were used to construct the pyramids of Egypt?

The exact number of limestone blocks used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids is not known, but estimates range from 2.3 to 2.5 million blocks for the Great Pyramid of Giza alone. This number varies depending on the size of the blocks and the pyramid being considered.

What was the name of the ancient egyptians that built pyramids to be used for their pharaohs?

Usually the builders did all the work

Where were the millions of limestone blocks for the three great pyramids quarried?

The bulk of the limestone used to construct the three great pyramids at Giza was quarried on the Giza Plateau.

Were wedges used to build pyramids?

yes wedges were used to build a pyramids and it was used for braking the rocks or cut and so they can build a pyramids

What were the materials used for making pyramids?

They used limestone blocks to build the pyramids

When where the pyramids used and location?

the pyramids were used in ancient egypt for burial tombs

What are pyramids and what were the used for?

pyramids are what the pharaohs lived in and it had their tombs

Why is the pythagorean theorem used in pyramids?

pythagoreans theorem was used to help build the pyramids

Where did the materials come from for pyramids?

Limestone was used to build the pyramids.

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What materials are used for the pyramids?

The pyramids where built of large blocks of limestone.