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The Corona-sphere and the Photosphere

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Geoffrey Huels

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1y ago
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Q: What two parts of the suns outer layers are only visible from earth during a solar eclipse?
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Related questions

What does it mean if you are born during a lunar eclipse?

If the eclipse is visible from the place where you're born, then it means that you're born during the night. If the eclipse is not visible from the place where you're born, then it means nothing at all.

Why does the moon remain partly invisible during lunar eclipse?

the moon remains partly visible during a lunar eclipse because the moon cast a shadow on earth

Where is the moon in the solar eclipse?

During a complete solar eclipse (In which neither the sun or moon is visible) the moon is in front of the sun, blocking its light from the earth.

When is a solar eclipse visible from any place on earth?

No single eclipse ... solar or lunar ... is ever visible from every place on earth.No single solar eclipse is ever visible from every place or even half of the earth.

What two parts of the suns layer are only visible from earth during a solar eclipse?

The Corona-sphere and the Photosphere

The Light of the sun is not visible during a total solar eclipse?

because the moon comes in middle of the earth and sun

Describe the relative positions of Earth the sun and the moon during a solar eclipse and during a lunar eclipse?

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth is between the sun and the moon; the shadow of Earth darkens the moon. During a solar eclipse, the moon is between Earth and the sun; the moon blocks the sun.

Why does a solar eclipse happen during the day?

A solar eclipse happens during the day because it occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting its shadow on Earth's surface. The Moon blocks the sunlight, causing a temporary darkness on Earth known as the eclipse. However, not everyone on Earth experiences a solar eclipse during the day as the eclipse's visibility depends on the viewer's location.

Where would you need to be to see a total lunar eclipse?

Any place on earth where the moon is visible during the time that there is one in progress.

When The moon is not visible due to Earth's shadow?

lunar eclipse

Is a total solar eclipse visible to all spots on the earth?


Is it daytime or nighttime during a Lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclispe eccurs once every 3 years. It is where the sun, the moon and earth all line up. A lunar eclipse is visible from the entire night half of the Earth.