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Q: What two pills give you the same feeling as being high?
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Can orajel get you high?

only expired orajel that has been uncapped for one month can give you the feeling of being high

Can sexual intercourse make you high?

Sexual activity does release endorphens & they can give you a pleasant feeling of well being. I dont think that qualifies as "high" but it is nice.

Can fexofenadine get you high?

Fexofenadine is used in many types of allergy medications. It is supposed to be non-drowsy, so it won't get someone high, but if too much is taken, it can give a person a feeling of being high. Use as directed.

Why is taking pills such a big deal?

taking pills is such a big deal because some pills is bad it gets you high and some times you go crazy only take pills that doctors or the hospitol give you

What drug pills can give you a quick easy and cheap high?

Chugging cough medicine for an instant high isn't a new practice for teens, who have raided the medicine cabinet for a quick, cheap, and legal high for decades. The facts about drugs can help you see them for what they are. High doses of alcohol and any dose of drugs seriously affect judgment and coordination and the nervous system, giving users a quick, intense feeling of power and energy. Pills can also lead to even more serious addictions, such as that of heroin.

Is Coffee a Hallucinogen?

In high doses, yes, caffeine which is in coffee as well as soda and energy drinks, can give someone a feeling of being detached from reality as well as some mild hallucinations.

Does Strattera give you a high feeling?

Not an immediate high, but yes you can get high off of it. But he careful, it Burns like hell and it will mess up your brain.

What are the chances of being pregnant after missing 4 pills in the first week and having unprotected sex?

High. Take your pills D: Or, Cutty Cutty time! . . If you dont want 1 that is Make him wear a condom and take your pills.

What do elated mean?

Elation is a feeling of great joy or pride. Means being in high spirits.

What is the ingredient in marijuana that gets you high?

The ingredient that gives you the feeling of being high is THC. It does that because the THC activates CB1 Receptors in the brain.

Will snorting diet pills get you high?

Yes, although it won't do anything for you.

Do teens use tizanidine to get high?

Yes. It will give you a high, but not a very pleasant one. If you take too much it will be the worse feeling you've ever had. Be careful.