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Q: What two places are most comets found?
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Where do comets form?

Comets have two main sources, the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt

Where do comets originate form?

Comets have two main sources, the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt

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How many comets does Mars have?

There are no comets that orbit the planet Mars. Comets, some, orbit the sun. Mars on the other hand does have two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

What are two differences between comets and asteroids?

there is no answer

Where are Comets usually found?

Comets can be formed anywhere in space. They are mainly composed of ice and dust, which can be acquired from anywhere in space i.e pieces of chipped planets or random space particle. Hope this was helpful x]

What two objects produce meteorites?

comets and asteroids

Are asteroids and comets rocks?

Asteroids are composed mainly of rock, metal, or a mixture of the two. Comets are a mixture of ice and rock.

What two comets did Clyde tombaugh discover?

Tombaugh was credited with discovering hundreds of asteroids, as well as Pluto in 1930, but no comets.