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Q: What two processes move rocks around the planet Wh?
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What role does and play in the processes of erosion and deposition?

It wears down rocks first, then it rolls them around, causing them to bump, erode, and move to the next area in the cycle.

Can you move around on Jupiter?

no you can not move around on Jupiter because it is a gas planet.

What does erosion move around?

dirt and rocks

Do the planet's move around the sun?

The planets move in an act of gravity

How do sedimentary rocks move around?

Rocks do not move around of their own initiative. They are deformed and may be translated as a result of their involvement in the process associated with continental drift and plate tectonics.

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What planet moves around the sun at the slowest speed of ant planet?

Pluto is the slowest planet to move around the sun, because of its far distance.

What happens to sediments as they move around?

The rocks will gradually get smaller

Do rocks go all around the world during the rock cycle?

the rocks start to move by our actions so thats how they get around

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That's the planet Uranus.

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kick rocks