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diseases and wars

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Q: What two reasons for the change of population in the high middle ages?
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The population of Europe increased during the high middle ages for all of the reasons except?

new technology

What was the population of Wales in the Middle Ages?

In the later Middle Ages, probably around 200,000.

What reasons would there be get hung in the middle ages?

One reason is if you commited murder

How did literature change during the Middle ages?

because of me

Who tried to change lead into gold in the middle ages?


Did medieval castles change during the middle ages?


Did clothing change depend on classes in the middle ages?

yes it did .

What was the population in Medieval Times?

it was 1,000,000,000,0000, people lived in the middle ages fool

What does continuity during the middle ages means?

Change and continuity in the Middle Ages can be seen by comparing and contrasting the differences and similarities in particular areas of society.

Why town grew in the middle ages?

There are many reasons,but some of them are because of trade,and growth of citizens

How much did life change during the middle ages?

3 out of 3

How did Political change in late middle ages?

Feudalism ended by gunpowder.