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Q: What two requirements did Southern states have to fulfill in order to readmitted the union?
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When was the southern states readmitted to the union?

The Union victory meant that the southern states never actually left the Union, so they didn't need to be readmitted.

What was the date that most southern states are readmitted?


In what year were most southern states readmitted to the Union?


By what year had all the southern states been readmitted to the union?


Did the reconstruction act of 1867 readmit all southern states in 1870?

With exception of Tennessee, which was readmitted in 1866, the ten former Confederate States were readmitted between 1868 and 1870.

Process whereby southern states were readmitted into the union?


What did the Radical Republicans state that the southern states had to do in order to be readmitted into the Union.?

Just an agreement to abolish slavery

Why did the southern states have to be readmitted?

They had to dissolve their Confederate state governments, and re-apply for their place in the United States under the US Constitution.

What did southern states have to do before they could reenter the Union?

Before being readmitted to the Union, each southern state that had been part of the Confederacy had to ratify the fourteenth amendment.

What did southern states have to do before the could reenter the union?

Before being readmitted to the Union, each southern state that had been part of the Confederacy had to ratify the fourteenth amendment.

North Carolina agreed to ratify the constitution if what was added to it?

after the civil war all the southern states had to ratify the constitution to be readmitted into the union.

Why should the Confederate states come back to the US of America?

The states that once were the Confederate States of America rejoined the Union in the 19th century.Georgia was the last Southern state to be fully readmitted to the US in 1870.