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DNA and Protein

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Q: What two structures make up a single replicated chromosome?
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Related questions

What is chromatid?

* the two exact copies of DNA that make up each chromosome.

How many DNAmolecules make up each original chromosome?

A chromosome is formed from a single DNA molecule.

What happens to chromosome during interphase?

During interphase, chromosomes are in the form of thread-like structures called chromatin.

What structures contain the genes for the traits?

Chromosome present in nucleus of eukaryotic cells .

Why does having only a single X chromosome make a person of necessity female?

Its not a guarantee, but generally it holds true. There are some instances when the part of the y chromosome which determines sex is tacked onto an X chromosome. This can result in XX males. In general though the Y chromosome is responsible for making a biological male.

What structures make up chromosomes?

Gene is the functional unit of chromosome.

Two of these make a chromosome?

Two chromatids connected at the centromere make up one chromosome.

How many chromatids have one chromosome?

Two (2). Before DNA replication, each chromosome is composed of a single chromatid. After replication, but before separation of the chromatids during anaphase, this is true.

When is DNA duplicated and why is DNA duplicated?

DNA is replicated in the process called Mitosis and Meosis. DNA is replicated to make more cells. Your body will make cells if you have a cut, grow, etc..

do genes make chromosome?


What is the relationship between the y chromosome and alcohloism?

y chromosome is the chromosome that makes males, alcoholism has nothing to do with it unless you make the choice to drink

Describe the chromatids that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to divide.?

Describe the chromatic that make up a chromosome when a cell is ready to split