

What two things Hansel used to mark a trail back home?

Updated: 7/18/2023
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13y ago

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Pebbles and breadcrumbs

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Velda Stokes

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Q: What two things Hansel used to mark a trail back home?
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Why did Hansel and Gretel drop food crumbs?

Hansel and Gretel dropped food crumbs to create a trail that would help them find their way back home after being taken into the woods by their stepmother.

How did Hansel and Gretel find their way home?

Hansel and Gretel found their way home by using a trail of breadcrumbs to guide them back. However, the breadcrumbs were eaten by birds, so they got lost in the forest.

What does Hansel drop all along the way when his father took him to the forest for the first time?

Hansel drops breadcrumbs to create a trail to find their way back home. Unfortunately, the birds eat the breadcrumbs, leading Hansel and his sister Gretel to become lost in the forest.

What is the resolution of Hansel and Gretel?

Hansel and Gretel resolve their conflict with the witch by outsmarting her, pushing her into the oven and escaping from her house. They then find their way back home by following a trail of stones they had left behind in the forest.

What is the inciting incident in Hansel and Gretel?

The inciting incident in "Hansel and Gretel" is when the children's stepmother convinces their father to abandon them in the woods because of a lack of food. This sets off the chain of events that leads Hansel and Gretel to discover the witch's house and their subsequent struggle to escape.

What is the role play by bird in hansel and gretel?

Birds play an important role to control the events that occur in the life of Hansel and Gretel. When Hansel and Gretel return back to their home, they have grown up in age and they can now help their father. The help they give is symbolized by the jewels.

What is the problem and the solution for hansel and gretel?

Problem: Hansel and Gretel are lost in the forest and unable to find their way back home after being led astray by a wicked witch. Solution: Hansel and Gretel outsmart the witch by tricking her into the oven and escaping back to safety with the help of breadcrumbs they initially left behind to find their way.

What is the conclusion of hansel and gretel?

That they went to the witch's house and they get caught and the witch locks hansel up and he was forced to eat so he can get fat and the witch can eat him up. The witch makes gretel cook for him and she's treated like a slave.

What really happened with hansel and gretal?

Hansel and Gretel is a fairy tale about two children who are abandoned in the woods by their stepmother and later encounter a witch living in a candy house. The children outsmart the witch and escape, eventually finding their way back home with treasures they collected along the way.

What is the story on short lines of 'Hansel and Gretel'?

Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods and stumble upon a house made of candy. They are captured by a witch who plans to eat them, but they outsmart her by pushing her into the oven. They escape with the witch's treasure and find their way back home.

What roles do the birds play in hansel and gretel?

In the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel," the birds act as helpers to the children by dropping breadcrumbs so they can find their way back home. Birds also represent freedom and nature in the story, contrasting with the oppressive and unnatural witch's house in the forest. Additionally, the presence of birds adds to the magical and whimsical atmosphere of the tale.

What is the sentence for scattered?

Hansel and Gretel scattered breadcrumbs in the forest to find their way home.