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Q: What two things cause the nebula star to burn?
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What two things cause nebula gases to begin burning?

When a star uses up all of it's fuel one of two things can happen: either it explodes as a supernova, releasing large amounts of gas and dust into the surrounding space; or the star will expand into a red giant (which will happen to our sun) and release it's outer layers gradually in the process. Both of these processes will produce a nebula.

Can some nebula burn since it consist a lot of hydrogen?

Yes, nebula are responsible for star formation, so ultimately that's exactly what they do.

A star begins its formation as gravitational forces cause instability within a -?


Is a nebula a star?

a nebula is cloud of particles which forms into a star.

What two factors cause a nebula to develop into a star?

The two main factors that cause a nebula to develop into a star are gravity and heat. Gravity pulls the gas and dust in the nebula together, causing it to collapse under its own gravity. As the collapse continues, the temperature and pressure in the core of the collapsing nebula increase, eventually reaching a point where nuclear fusion ignites, and a star is born.

What is after a nebula in a star life?

A nebula may condense and ignite to become a star, conversely a star may explode and form a nebula.

When a nebula what is a nebula?

A White Dwarf Star remains.

Is there a nebula wraped around a dying star?

A Nebula is a gas of dust and minerals that surrounds a star. Also, a nebula is a birthplace of a star, where a star and sometimes a solar system is formed after a huge explosions

What star sheds a planetary nebula?

A star like our sun will shed a planetary nebula after its 'death'

Can a neutron star become a nebula?

No, a neutron star can't become a nebula. A neutron star is not made of atomic matter, has less mass than a nebula, and has no mechanism by which to expand.

Is the sun a planet or nebula?

Neither; it is a star. it formed from a nebula.

Is Arcturus a nebula?

No, Arcturus is a red giant star, not a nebula.