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I believe that would be xylem and phloem.

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phloem (nutrients) and xylem (water)

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Q: What two things does the vascular system in plants transport to cells in the leaf?
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How do vascular and non-vascular differ?

The different things between vascular and non-vascular is that; A. Vascular grow taller because they have tissue that is able to transport materials faster to longer distances, and won't break if hit by a strong wind. Think of it like a bundle of straws. A lot stronger and better and transporting materials! B. Non-vascular plants lack true roots, stems, and leaves. They have similar structures that do the same thing though. C. Vascular absorb water and nutrients through their roots and pass it along, non-vascular plants absorb water directly through their cell walls and pass it along from cell to cell. D. Vascular plants grow almost anywhere, while non-vascular plants MUST have a wet environment for reproduction to occur. E. Vascular plants can grow from spores, seeds, AND flowers, while non-vascular plants only use spores.

What two things can vasular plants do that non-vascular plants cannot do?

vascular plants can produce pollen grains and seeds

What are two things that all vascular plants have?

what is the answer?

What are plants without vascular tissue to transport materials from one part of the plant to another?

Mosses - they grow on other living things since their seeds are blown away and they eat the plant from the inside out.

Why are nonvascular plants limited to moist environments?

They have no true roots, stems, or leaves, shorter because vascular tissue can transport things higher. Nonvascular plants can't transport the mineral and substances needed to survive into a tall plant. Your welcome :)

What has cells and absorbs food from other living things?

vascular plants

What is the difference between vascular non vascular plants?

Vascular have a system that is intricate and the plant can move water to distribute it to the whole plant. Vascular plants are able to grow bigger due to this ability. Example of this would be a tree or a flower Non vascular plants are usually small plants that are close to the ground. They do not have a very complex water distribution and for this reason cannot support large growth. Example of this is moss Copied From: YAHOOANSWERS.COM Original Author: LUCKYNUMBA23 Notes: I CHANGED A FEW THINGS ON THIS BUT I DID COPY IT AND PASTE IT...

What plants have specialized tissues for transporting water?

Vascular plants The tissues are called xylem (water and minerals up) and phloem (sugar down)

What are non vascular things?

Plants that don't have vascular tissue used to grow up. An example would be moss on a log or rock.

How do xylem and phloem serves as a life-suppoort system for plants?

These vascular tissues do two things that are essential for vascular plant survival and erect posture on land.Xylem. This vascular tissue brings water from the roots to the leaves of the plant. Turgor pressure from this water on cell walls helps keep plants erect. Aa adaption of vascular plants. The water in the leaves is used in the process of photosynthesis.Phloem. This vascular tissue takes the sugar manufactured in the leaves to everywhere in the plant that this sugar is needed. For food energy and for building material.

What has many cells and absorbs food from other living things?

vascular plants

What does the train system transport?

People and things