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What two types of rock provided evidence of the composition of Earth's


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Q: What two types of rock provided evidence of the composition of Earths interior?
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What two types of rock provide evidence of the composition of earths interior?

What two types of rock provided evidence of the composition of Earth'sinterior

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The strength of an earthquakes focus.

How do you obtain indirect evidence about earths interior?

Seismic waves

How do geologists gather evidence about what its like in the earths interior of the earth?

laws of natural

If holes drilled sveral kilometers into earths crust provide direct evidence about earths interior in the form of what?

Rock samples

Geologists use direct evidence from learn abut earths interior?

by direct heat

In developing a model of earths deep interior most of the evidence was determined from?

Seismic data

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the material is hotter & denser

What changes occur in the composition of the earths interior layer as you move towards the core?

the material is hotter & denser

Geologists learn about Earths interior using indirect evidence from?

Geologists have used two main types of evidence to learn about Earth's interior: direct evidence from rock samples and indirect evidence from siesmic waves.

Why do scientist hypothesize use meteorites that hit the earth to provide evidence of composition of earths interior?

The carbonaceous meteorites represent the mantle of the Earth. Pallesite meteorites are composed of iron and olivine which represents the transition between the core and the mantle.

What geologists use direct evidence to learn about earths interior?

Geologists use evidence from seismic waves to learn about earth's interior. Geologists record the seismic waves and study how they travel through earth. By Brianna.