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· A element called mendelevium

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Q: What two very special things are named after Dmitri mendeleev?
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What person is mendelevium named after?

Dmitri mendeleev

Who was element 101 named after?

Element 101, or mendelevium is a transuranic actinide element. It was named after Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, one of the pioneering chemists of the 1800's.

Mendelevium is named after what scientist?

It was Named after, the scientist, Dimitri Mendeleeve Who was the scientist that created the periodic table.

Who introduced the name periodic table?

It was named by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, in memory of his then recently-deceased colleague and clandestine "gentleman friend", Benjamin D. Periodic.

What is the origin name of the element of mendevelium?

It is named after Dmitri Mendeleev, the scientist who was responsible for devising the periodic table of elements.

What is the atomic number of the element named for the scientist who first organized the periodic table?

That would be Mendelevium, of atomic number 101. Named after Dmitri Mendeleev.

Who created a detailed classification based on characteristics of the various elements named the Periodic Table of the Elements?

That would be Dmitri Mendeleev.

When did the periodic table of elements get invented?

The Periodic Table Of Elements Was Invented iN 1869, By A Russian Chemist Named Dmitri Mendeleev.

Who was the father of the periodic table?

Father as in who created it? That would be Mendeleev, he even named the 101st element after himself. Improving: Mendeleev, was the father of the periodic table of elements, he discovered this method of organizinging the elements by playing a game of solitare with the chemical symbols.

Who invernted the periodic table?

In 1869, a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev invented this table to help show trends in the behavior of chemicals.

When was gallium discovered and by who?

In 1871, the gallium was dicoversd by a Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, who named it "eka-aluminium" on the basis of its position in his periodic table..

Who is Mendeleer?

The father of genetics is an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel.