

What two words make up the wprd modem?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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modulation - demodulation

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Q: What two words make up the wprd modem?
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What two words were combined to make up the modem?

modem (modulator + demodulator)

Which two words are combined into the word modem?

modulator and demodulator

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The word "modem" comes from the contracting of the two wordsmodulator, and demodulator.MOdulation DEModulation

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Internal modem's PCB connectors comes in two sizes, if its about 5.25in(13.5cm) then its an old(hardly seen anymore) ISA type modem and should be placed on the long black slot, if its short about 3in(80cm) then it a PCI type modem and should be placed on the short white slot. In either of the two, which ever is free, in no particular order, you can safely insert these modem and just make sure it is properly seated.

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A router or possibly a data switch can connect two PC's to a DSL or cable modem.

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the two words that make o'clock r o and clock. three words actually..... of the clock.

What is a Modem and what is its function in communication?

First modem is the one device that connect the telephone with compute. But Now the days modem is used direct in the laptop and we are use the internet with help of the modem. Modem is provide us lot of facilities to use the new any were and very helpful for us. So this is a some important point of the modem.. these few words are written by SSS

Where does the name modem come from?

It is a device that changes the digital signal from a computer into the analogue signal more suited to a phone line, and the analogue signal from phone line into the digital signal for the computer to use. These two processes are called modulation and demodulation. The word modem comes from these two words: MOdulation and DEModulaion = MO DEM.