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riolu is just fighting, but lucario is fighting/steel.

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Q: What type is riolu?
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What type of Pokemon is Riolu?

Riolu is a Fighting type pokemon.

What element is riolu in Pokemon?

riolu is a fighting type. but when it evloves into lucario its fighting and steel

What type is riolu in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky?

Riolu can be found in Crystal cave and its actually easy to find riolu, but it will take forever trying to recruit it

What is the national pokedex number for Riolu?

Relicanth is #369 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Rock type Pokemon.

What type of riolu learns aura sphere?

you need a modest natured riolu to learn aura sphere or you can use your action replay

How do you be riolu in Pokemon explorers of the sky?

You have to be a male and you have to be a sassy type.

What moves does riolu learn?

Riolu is a fighting type of Pokémon. It is capable of learning moves such as foresight, quick attack and endure.

Can riolu swim?

yes. since he is not a rock or ground type he can swim.

How can you be a riolu in explorers of sky?

get a sassy type this refers to doing anything alone

On what level does Riolu evolve?

Riolu is a pure Fighting type baby Pokemon introduced in the fourth generation games. If leveled up during the day while it is at maximum happiness levels, it will evolve into Lucario and become dual Fighting and Steel types.

Where do you get the riolu to evolve in Pokemon diamond?

There is not a certain place to evolve Riolu. You can evolve it anywhere, but it has to be in the daytime. In order to evolve Riolu into Lucario, you need to level it up on a maximum friendship level between the hours of 4:00am and 8:00pm. Riolu will go from a pure fighting type to a strong fighting/steel type Lucario, which is very rare. Also, just in case anyone's wondering, you get Riolu from a dude named Riley from Iron Island via Canalave City.

How do you beat Dialga in Pokemon Explorers of Darkness?

i recommend you make it sleep, stunned, and confused. then attack it with your best attack. I think the best team would be either a fire type and Riolu, or Riolu and a grass type. You keep bothering it witjh seeds