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A phishing attack tells you to go to a counterfeit copy of a legitimate web site and enter private or security information that will be used for identity theft or to access and take your financial resources.

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1mo ago

This type of Social Engineering attack is known as a phishing attack. The email typically impersonates a legitimate organization and tricks the recipient into providing sensitive information like passwords or credit card details. It aims to create a sense of urgency or fear to compel the victim to act quickly without verifying the authenticity of the request.

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Q: What type of Social Engineering attack uses email to direct you to their website where they claim you need to update or validate your information and threatens dire consequences if you don't?
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What it means when psychologists state that scientific theories must be supported by empirical evidence.?

When psychologists state that scientific theories must be supported by empirical evidence, they are emphasizing the importance of using objective data and observations to validate or refute their theories. Empirical evidence refers to information that is obtained through systematic investigation and observation in the real world, rather than relying on personal opinions or beliefs. This process helps ensure that psychological theories are based on reliable and verifiable information, promoting the credibility and validity of the field.

Why did introspection fail as a method for understanding how the mind works?

Introspection relied on self-reporting thoughts and feelings, which can be subjective and influenced by biases. This made it difficult to validate the accuracy and reliability of introspective data. Additionally, introspection does not capture unconscious mental processes or physiological aspects of cognition.

How to describe the process of scientific theory construction and testing?

Scientific theory construction involves developing a hypothesis based on observations or existing knowledge, then designing experiments to test the hypothesis. Testing involves collecting data, analyzing it, and drawing conclusions to either support or reject the hypothesis. This process helps to refine and validate scientific theories over time.

Can two year olds remember when someone hurts them?

Yes, two-year-olds can remember when someone hurts them. However, the memory may not be as detailed or long-lasting compared to older children or adults. It is important to validate their feelings and provide comfort and support when they remember a hurtful event.

What is the first step in responding healthfully to a strong or difficult emotion?

The first step is to acknowledge and validate the emotion you are feeling. Take a moment to identify and name the emotion without judgment. This self-awareness can help you better understand the root cause of the emotion and respond to it more effectively.

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What type of Social Engineering attack uses email to direct you to their their website where they claim you need to update-validate your information and threatens dire consequences if you don't?

A phishing attack tells you to go to a counterfeit copy of a legitimate web site and enter private or security information that will be used for identity theft or to access and take your financial resources.

What type of Social Engineering attack uses email to direct you to their website where they claim you need to update validate your information and threatens dire consequences if you don't?

A phishing attack tells you to go to a counterfeit copy of a legitimate web site and enter private or security information that will be used for identity theft or to access and take your financial resources.

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