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Q: What type of activator can make slime?
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Can you use slime activator as a substitute for contact solution or saline solution to make slime?

i mean i know it is called slime activator but for saline and contact solution you use baking soda and slime activator you don't so the real question is can you use baking soda with slime activator

How do you make slime activator?

Borax and water

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Why was slime invented?

slime was invented by accident while trying to make a type of hair gel

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What is best conclusion to make a slime?

the conclusion is that the slime becomes very viscous and sticky hard to shake hands but that shows the glue when combined with water and borax make slime. What makes the viscous slime is borax.

What is an activator in ICT?

it is the activator device

How do you make slime with only with glue and flour?

You can't make 'slime' with only glue and flour.

What is slime?

Slime is a moist gooey sometimes slippery substance.The color is mostly green unless you make you'r own a different color.It is stretchy but will eventually break, and it is endless fun to children.

What is the hypothesis and satement on how to make slime?

to make slime you must mix Elmer's glue, a little baking soda, and some context solution make sure mix and kneed well and enjoy your slime:)B)

DQM how do you make a gem slime?

2x grandpa slime and 2x gold golem