

What type of activities do the animals in Antarctica do?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Antarctica is not home to any animal: it's too cold.

Animals associated with Antarctica come to the continent to breed.

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Q: What type of activities do the animals in Antarctica do?
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What type of activities do the animals do in Antarctica?

All animals around the Antarctic continent have only one purpose for coming to land: to breed, and fledge their young. Otherwise, these animals live at sea where they find their food chain.

What are some tourist activities in Antarctica?

Most tourists visit Antarctica by tour boat. Activities on board include lectures, movies and so forth about Antarctica. There are excursions to the continent, where tourists can wander through penguin colonies and photograph breeding animals.

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There are no animals that are native to Antarctica. However, many sea animals, including penguins visit the beaches in the summer to breed.

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There are no animals that live on the Antarctic continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain. All animals found on Antarctica are breeding, because there are no land predators on the continent. Humans are the only animals with a documented sense of 'fun', although many animals can be seen at play.

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they don't have any food they only have animals and ice.

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A polar bear is a type of bear, unique to the Arctic. There are no animals in Antarctica.

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There really are no human activities that don't affect Antarctica.

Which is the largest animal of antarctica?

No animals live in Antarctica: it's too cold to support animal life or any type of food chain.

Where do Antarctica animals live?

in Antarctica

What animals are used for transport in Antarctica?

No animals are used for transport in Antarctica.

What type of animals lived in Antarctica 17 million years ago?

I don't know sorry

What would be a reason for all the Antarctica animals existing?

There are no native animals in Antarctica.